Monday, November 26, 2007

art, life, computer

Sifu showed me how to draw portrait during our lunch about 2 weeks ago. I had only the opportunity to test if i've really learned yesterday. Took less than 2 hours to draw the above, It's not perfect, but there's really a dramatic improvement in my drawing, to my own awe!

Also, when u think Linux can't get any better, it just did! I'm now running on Xubuntu. It gives me drop-shadow and real transparency effects without lagging my machine at all! And i'm running an old laptop: 32MB S3ProSavage video, 640MB RAM and 1.4GHz AMD Athlon. It even sped up my machine performance ^_^


Dora said...

WHOA! you are definitely talented! for begginer this is really good. the propotions are almost accurate =D great job!

Dora said...

do join illustration friday if you have chance.
theres a lot of interesting artist there. =)

Ronald Chua said...

Thanks sifu ^^
Can comment on the digital drawings as well? :P
My need to do readings didn't allow me much time yet to put in submission for the IF. But will do so during coming holiday.
Arigato gozaimas Dora-sensei! =D